I was able to get the below approach working for .NET Core projects:
- Create an appsettings.json (format given below) in your project.
- Next create a configuration class. The format is provided below.
I have created a Login() method to show the usage of the Configuration Class.
Create appsettings.json in your project with content:
{"Environments": {"QA": {"Url": "somevalue","Username": "someuser","Password": "somepwd" },"BrowserConfig": {"Browser": "Chrome","Headless": "true" },"EnvironmentSelected": {"Environment": "QA" }}public static class Configuration{ private static IConfiguration _configuration; static Configuration() { var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() .AddJsonFile($"appsettings.json"); _configuration = builder.Build(); } public static Browser GetBrowser() { if (_configuration.GetSection("BrowserConfig:Browser").Value == "Firefox") { return Browser.Firefox; } if (_configuration.GetSection("BrowserConfig:Browser").Value == "Edge") { return Browser.Edge; } if (_configuration.GetSection("BrowserConfig:Browser").Value == "IE") { return Browser.InternetExplorer; } return Browser.Chrome; } public static bool IsHeadless() { return _configuration.GetSection("BrowserConfig:Headless").Value == "true"; } public static string GetEnvironment() { return _configuration.GetSection("EnvironmentSelected")["Environment"]; } public static IConfigurationSection EnvironmentInfo() { var env = GetEnvironment(); return _configuration.GetSection($@"Environments:{env}"); }}public void Login(){ var environment = Configuration.EnvironmentInfo(); Email.SendKeys(environment["username"]); Password.SendKeys(environment["password"]); WaitForElementToBeClickableAndClick(_driver, SignIn);}